South Florida Landscape and Maintenance Company

Landscape Maintenance South Palm Beach | O'Hara Landscape Design Professionals

  • O'Hara Landscape Design and Maintenance Inc South Palm Beach Florida

    Landscape Maintenance South Palm Beach

    Customer Satisfaction

    Since 1973, O'Hara Landscape Design and Maintenance Inc. has been providing reliable landscape beautification to thousands of residents in community associations and commercial properties in South Palm Beach Florida.

    Our Experience

    The measure of your satisfaction is based upon the experience of our highly qualified and dedicated staff. As career employees, they take pride in their work. Their goal is to stabilize your landscape program to produce consistent results.Our uniformed crews are limited in size to keep workers close to supervision and property management. Repetitive duty assignments return the same foremen and crews to service the same properties, so they develop a familiarity that minimizes operational misues.

    Landscape Maintenance South Palm Beach Tree Trimming

    Licensed and Insured

    Our Clients Invest Their Landscape Dollars With Confidence In Minimal complaint,  Enhanced aesthetics and leisure time. Their landscape is an asset to enjoy, not a burden to fret over. Upward real estate values with professional landscaping from O'Hara Landscape Design and Maintenance Inc.
     Licensed and Insured

    Our Vehicles

    All vehicles are radio dispatched and supervision carries cellular phones to offer prompt electronic access for directors and managers. Work orders and requests are received electronically and are responded to as priority items. Service interruptions are minimized by regularly upgrading equipment and reviewing safety procedures. For your protection, we are licensed and insured.
    Contact Us

    Why should you expect or put up with anything less? We invite you to call us today. O'Hara Landscape and Maintenance has what it takes to be your Landscape Design Professionals. Give us a call today to get your landscape design, irrigation installation, or sprinkler repair services. South Palm Beach Landscape Design and Maintenance Services by O'Hara Landscape Design, Lawn Maintenance Services in South Palm Beach Florida

    Landscape Maintenance South Palm Beach Weed Control

    Litter Removal

    Litter is removed from the lawns during every mowing operation. Mowing frequency selected by client varies from every week during summer to every two weeks during the dormant season. Mowing height is correct for the turf variety. Mower blades are sharp and level to minimize scalping. High grass is line trimmed (weed eaters) where mowers do not reach to complete every mowing operation. Paved areas and curbs are edged, blown off, and/or vacuumed during every mowing operation. Excess clippings are removed from the lawns on South Palm Beach.

    Tree Trimming and Bush Pruning in South Palm Beach Florida
    Lawn Fertilizing Programs in South Palm Beach Florida

    Completed as necessary to maintain proper shape, healthy growth, and optimum bloom. Clean up of trimming debris is completed daily. Tree limbs and sucker shoots are bottom pruned for improved aesthetics, access, and visibility. Tree limbs are pruned away from buildings. Dead and yellowing fronds are removed from the palm trees. Saplings, springerie, and other invasive vegetation are controlled or removed unless their removal endangers adjacent landscaping.

    Flower Bed and Plant Bed Management in South Palm Beach Florida

    Flower Bed Plant Bed Management South Palm Beach Florida

    Plant beds are carefully edged by specialists to maintain proper size and good form. We use blades and do not use herbicides to form bed edges. We use a combination of manual (by hand) and chemical (herbicide) methods to effectively control plant bed and pavement weeds.


    We apply premium grade, slow release fertilizers specifically formulated for your lawns, plants, trees, and palms. Lawn fertilizers are applied in a manner that promotes a consistent, green turf. Fertilizer application rates for plants and trees are varied for their age, size, and variety. Paved areas are promptly blown clean during applications. South Palm Beach Lawn Care and Lawn Maintenance O'Hara Landscape Lawn Care Services for your Residential, HOA,COA and Commercial Property.

    What are O'Hara Landscape's Lawn Care and Lawn Maintenance Services?

    Lawn Care Lawn Maintenance Coral Springs

    Lawn Care South Palm Beach

    • Tree and Shrub Care
    • Fire Ant Control
    • Lawn Spraying
    • Sprinkler Repair
    • Weed Contol

    Lawn Fertilization South Palm Beach

    • Lawn Maintenance
    • Grub Treatment
    • Pest Control
    • Scheduled Visits
    • White Fly Removal

    O'Hara Landcape Maintenance TeamO'Hara Landscape Lawn Experts Make the Difference In South Palm Beach

    O'Hara Landscape Lawn Care and Lawn Maintenance Knows what your lawn will need for the upcoming season. It can be a vital part of having a healthy lush lawn year round.  O'Hara Landscape Lawn Care Program is designed to have your yard looking its best all year. Each of O'Hara Landscape Lawn Care and Lawn Maintenance year round lawn care plans are custom built to satiate your lawn care service needs in South Palm Beach.


  • O'Hara Landscape Design and Maintenance Inc Westin Florida

    Landscape Maintenance Westin

    Customer Satisfaction

    Since 1973, O'Hara Landscape Design and Maintenance Inc. has been providing reliable landscape beautification to thousands of residents in community associations and commercial properties in Westin Florida.

    Our Experience

    The measure of your satisfaction is based upon the experience of our highly qualified and dedicated staff. As career employees, they take pride in their work. Their goal is to stabilize your landscape program to produce consistent results.Our uniformed crews are limited in size to keep workers close to supervision and property management. Repetitive duty assignments return the same foremen and crews to service the same properties, so they develop a familiarity that minimizes operational misues.

    Landscape Maintenance Westin Tree Trimming

    Licensed and Insured

    Our Clients Invest Their Landscape Dollars With Confidence In Minimal complaint,  Enhanced aesthetics and leisure time. Their landscape is an asset to enjoy, not a burden to fret over. Upward real estate values with professional landscaping from O'Hara Landscape Design and Maintenance Inc.
     Licensed and Insured

    Our Vehicles

    All vehicles are radio dispatched and supervision carries cellular phones to offer prompt electronic access for directors and managers. Work orders and requests are received electronically and are responded to as priority items. Service interruptions are minimized by regularly upgrading equipment and reviewing safety procedures. For your protection, we are licensed and insured.
    Contact Us

    Why should you expect or put up with anything less? We invite you to call us today. O'Hara Landscape and Maintenance has what it takes to be your Landscape Design Professionals. Give us a call today to get your landscape design, irrigation installation, or sprinkler repair services. Westin Landscape Design and Maintenance Services by O'Hara Landscape Design, Lawn Maintenance Services in Westin Florida

    Landscape Maintenance Westin Weed Control

    Litter Removal

    Litter is removed from the lawns during every mowing operation. Mowing frequency selected by client varies from every week during summer to every two weeks during the dormant season. Mowing height is correct for the turf variety. Mower blades are sharp and level to minimize scalping. High grass is line trimmed (weed eaters) where mowers do not reach to complete every mowing operation. Paved areas and curbs are edged, blown off, and/or vacuumed during every mowing operation. Excess clippings are removed from the lawns on Westin.

    Tree Trimming and Bush Pruning in Westin Florida
    Lawn Fertilizing Programs in Westin Florida

    Completed as necessary to maintain proper shape, healthy growth, and optimum bloom. Clean up of trimming debris is completed daily. Tree limbs and sucker shoots are bottom pruned for improved aesthetics, access, and visibility. Tree limbs are pruned away from buildings. Dead and yellowing fronds are removed from the palm trees. Saplings, springerie, and other invasive vegetation are controlled or removed unless their removal endangers adjacent landscaping.

    Flower Bed and Plant Bed Management in Westin Florida

    Flower Bed Plant Bed Management Westin Florida

    Plant beds are carefully edged by specialists to maintain proper size and good form. We use blades and do not use herbicides to form bed edges. We use a combination of manual (by hand) and chemical (herbicide) methods to effectively control plant bed and pavement weeds.


    We apply premium grade, slow release fertilizers specifically formulated for your lawns, plants, trees, and palms. Lawn fertilizers are applied in a manner that promotes a consistent, green turf. Fertilizer application rates for plants and trees are varied for their age, size, and variety. Paved areas are promptly blown clean during applications. Westin Lawn Care and Lawn Maintenance O'Hara Landscape Lawn Care Services for your Residential, HOA,COA and Commercial Property.

    What are O'Hara Landscape's Lawn Care and Lawn Maintenance Services?

    Lawn Care Lawn Maintenance Coral Springs

    Lawn Care Westin

    • Tree and Shrub Care
    • Fire Ant Control
    • Lawn Spraying
    • Sprinkler Repair
    • Weed Contol

    Lawn Fertilization Westin

    • Lawn Maintenance
    • Grub Treatment
    • Pest Control
    • Scheduled Visits
    • White Fly Removal

    O'Hara Landcape Maintenance TeamO'Hara Landscape Lawn Experts Make the Difference In Westin

    O'Hara Landscape Lawn Care and Lawn Maintenance Knows what your lawn will need for the upcoming season. It can be a vital part of having a healthy lush lawn year round.  O'Hara Landscape Lawn Care Program is designed to have your yard looking its best all year. Each of O'Hara Landscape Lawn Care and Lawn Maintenance year round lawn care plans are custom built to satiate your lawn care service needs in Westin.



O'Hara Landscape & Maintenance Inc.

Since 1973, O'Hara Landscape and Maintenance Inc. has been providing reliable landscape beautification to thousands of residents in community associations and commercial properties in West Palm Beach and Palm Beach County Florida.

O'Hara Testimonials

  • Rick Walker

    The landscape guys came, walked me through what was exactly wrong and explained to me what needed to be done. They were informative and patient with me. I will continue to use this company and look forward to building my dream landscape with them!

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O'Hara Landscape & Maintenance

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